based on E.H. Nickel & M.C. Nichols (2009), H. Strunz & E.H. Nickel (2001),
           revised by Thomas Witzke (2023)

(Fluorides, Chlorides, Bromides, Iodides)

3.D: Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides

3.DA. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Al
3.DA.005. Zharchikhite
Zharchikhite AlF(OH)2 mon., P21/a IMA 1986-059

Zharchikhite: crystal structure not known.

3.DB. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Cu (and/or Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn), without Pb
3.DB.005. Melanothallite
Melanothallite Cu2OCl2 orth., Fddd G

Melanothallite: three-dimensional framework of cross-linking chains of edge-sharing CuO2Cl2 squares.

3.DB.010. Ponomarevite
Ponomarevite K4Cu4OCl10 mon., C2/c FOTO G

Ponomarevite: clusters of four five-fold polyhedra.

3.DB.015. Korshunovskite
Korshunovskite Mg2(OH)3Cl·4H2O tric., P1 or P1 FOTO G

Korshunovskite: ribbons of edge-sharing MgX6 octahedra. The ribbons are two octahedra wide.

3.DB.020. Muonionalustaite
Muonionalustaite Ni2(OH)3Cl·4H2O mon., C2/m FOTO IMA 2020-010

Muonionalustaite: ribbons of edge-sharing NiX6 octahedra. The ribbons are three octahedra wide.

3.DB.025. Nepskoeite
Nepskoeite Mg4(OH)7Cl·6H2O orth., Pcmm (?) IMA 1996-016

3.DB.030. Khaidarkanite
Khaidarkanite Cu4Al3(OH)14F3·2H2O mon., C2/m IMA 1998-013

Khaidarkanite: ribbons of edge-sharing octahedra. The two outer chains are built up of Cu-centered octahedra, the inner chain of Al-centered octahedra.

3.DB.035. Botallackite group
     035 a. Botallackite series
Botallackite Cu2(OH)3Cl mon., P21/m FOTO G
Iyoite CuMn(OH)3Cl mon., P21/m IMA 2013-130
Belloite Cu(OH)Cl mon., P21/a FOTO IMA 1998-054
     035 b. Kapellasite series
Haydeeite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2 trig., P3m1 IMA 2006-046
Kapellasite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 trig., P3m1 IMA 2005-009
Misakiite Cu3Mn(OH)6Cl2 trig., P3m1 IMA 2013-131

Botallackite: trioctahedral layers of distorted edge-sharing CuX6 octahedra.

3.DB.040. Centennialite
Centennialite Cu3Ca(OH)6Cl2·n H2O (n ca. 0.7) trig., P3 IMA 2013-110

Centennialite: layers of distorted edge-sharing CuX6 octahedra and CaO6 octahedra.

3.DB.045. Claringbullite group
Claringbullite Cu4FCl(OH)6 hex., P63/mmc IMA 1976-029, Rd
Barlowite Cu4FBr(OH)6 hex., P63/mmc IMA 2010-020

3.DB.050. Simonkolleite
Simonkolleite Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O trig., R3m FOTO IMA 1983-019

Simonkolleite: dioctahedral layers of edge-sharing ZnX6 octahedra, with ZnX4 tetrahedra above and belov the vacant positions. Structurally related to Gordaite.

3.DB.055. Calumetite
Calumetite CaCu4(OH)8Cl2·3.5H2O orth., Cmcm Rd

Calumetite, originally thought to be Cu(OH,Cl)2·2H2O, was redefined as CaCu4(OH)8Cl2·3.5H2O. Vondechenite (IMA 2016-065) was found to be identical with the redefined calumetite and was discredited (IMA 2018-C).

3.DB.060. Dioskouriite
Dioskouriite CaCu4(OH)4Cl6·4H2O mon., P21/c IMA 2015-106

Dioskouriite polytypes: Dioskouriite-2M (mon., P21/c), Dioskouriite-2O (orth., , P212121).
The structure contains layers of octahedra and square pyramids.

3.DB.065. Avdoninite
Avdoninite K2Cu5(OH)4Cl8·H2O mon., P2/m or P21/m FOTO IMA 2005-046a

Avdoninite: layers of octahedra and square pyramids.

3.DB.070. Feodosiyite
Feodosiyite Cu11Mg2(OH)8Cl18·16H2O mon., P21/c IMA 2015-063

Feodosiyite: layers formed of a network of distorted edge-sharing octahedra Cu(OH)2Cl4, Cu(OH)3Cl3 and Cu(OH)2(H2O)Cl3 and distorted tetragonal pyramids Cu(OH)2Cl3. Interlayer with isolated Mg(H2O)6 octahedra and additional water.

3.DB.075. Bounahasite
Bounahasite Cu+Cu2+2(OH)3Cl2 mon., P21/n IMA 2022-005

Bounahasite: structure of two alternating layers. One layer contains ribbons of alternating, edge-sharing CuO6 octahedra and CuO4 squares. The ribbons are connected to layers by edge-sharing CuO4 squares. The other layer is built of dimers of edge-sharing CuClCuO4 tetrahedra, forming Cu2Cl6 dimers. The dimers are connected to a layer via shared vertices.

3.DB.080. Romanorlovite
Romanorlovite K8Cu6(OH)3Cl17 tetr., I4/mmm IMA 2014-011

3.DB.085. Chrysothallite
Chrysothallite K6Cu6Tl3+(OH)4Cl17·H2O tetr., I4/mmm IMA 2013-008

3.DB.090. Atacamite group
Atacamite Cu2(OH)3Cl orth., Pnam FOTO G
Hibbingite Fe2(OH)3Cl orth., Pnam IMA 1991-036
Kempite Mn2(OH)3Cl orth., Pnam G

Atacamite: layers formed of a network of distorted edge-sharing octahedra (formally dioctahedral, but the arrangement of the octahedra is different from the layers in dioctahedral micas etc.). The layers are connected by octahedra to a three-dimensional network.

3.DB.095. Clinoatacamite group
     095 a. Clinoatacamite series
Clinoatacamite Cu2(OH)3Cl mon., P21/n FOTO IMA 1993-060
     095 b. Paratacamite series
Paratacamite Cu3Cu(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3 FOTO G
Paratacamite-(Mg) Cu3(Mg,Cu)(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3 IMA 2013-014
Paratacamite-(Ni) Cu3(Ni,Cu)(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3 IMA 2013-013
     095 c. Herbertsmithite series
Tondiite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3m IMA 2013-077
Herbertsmithite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3m FOTO IMA 2003-041
Gillardite Cu3Ni(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3m FOTO IMA 2006-041
Leverettite Cu3Co(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3m IMA 2013-011
     095 d. Kuliginite
Kuliginite Fe3Mg(OH)6Cl2 trig., R3 IMA 2016-049
     095 e. Parahibbingite
Parahibbingite Fe2(OH)3Cl trig., R3m IMA 2020-038a

Clinoatacamite and Paratacamite: layers formed of a network of distorted edge-sharing octahedra (formally dioctahedral, but the arrangement of the octahedra is different from the layers in dioctahedral micas etc.). The layers are connected by octahedra to a three-dimensional network.

3.DB.100. Bobkingite
Bobkingite Cu5(OH)8Cl2·2H2O mon., C2/m IMA 2000-029

3.DB.105. Connellite group
Buttgenbachite Cu36Cl6(NO3)2(OH)64·nH2O hex., P63/mmc FOTO G
Connellite Cu36Cl8(SO4)(OH)62·6H2O hex., P62c or P63 FOTO G

3.DB.110. Anthonyite
Anthonyite Cu(OH,Cl)2·3H2O mon. A

Anthonyite: crystal structure not known.

3.DC. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb and Cu, Ag or Fe
3.DC.005. Diaboleite
Diaboleite Pb2Cu(OH)4Cl2 tetr., P4mm FOTO G

3.DC.010. Pseudoboleite
Pseudoboleite Pb31Cu24(OH)48Cl62 tetr., I4/mmm FOTO G

3.DC.015. Cumengeite
Cumengeite Pb21Cu20(OH)40Cl42 tetr., I4/mmm G

3.DC.020. Siidraite
Siidraite Pb2Cu(OH)2I3 orth., Fddd IMA 2016-039

3.DC.025. Chloroxiphite
Chloroxiphite Pb3CuO2Cl2 mon., P21/m FOTO G

3.DC.030. Boleite
Boleite KAg9Pb26Cu24(OH)48Cl62 cub., Pm3m FOTO G

3.DC.035. Bideauxite
Bideauxite AgPb2(F,OH)2Cl3 cub., Fd3m IMA 1969-038

3.DC.040. Hematophanite
Hematophanite Pb4Fe3O8Cl tetr., P4mm G

3.DC.045. Murdochite group
Murdochite Pb2Cu12O15Cl2 cub., Fm3m FOTO G
Eddavidite Pb2Cu12O15Br2 cub., Fm3m IMA 2018-018

3.DD. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb (or Sb, Bi, Sn), without Cu
3.DD.005. Onoratoite
Onoratoite Sb8O11Cl2 mon., C2/m FOTO IMA 1967-057

3.DD.010. Bismoclite group
Zavaritskite BiOF tetr., P4/nmm FOTO A
Bismoclite BiOCl tetr., P4/nmm FOTO G
Daubréeite BiO(OH,Cl) tetr., P4/nmm FOTO G

Isostructural with the Matlockite group.

3.DD.015. Abhurite
Abhurite Sn21O6(OH)14Cl16 trig., R32 FOTO G

3.DD.020. Laurionite group
Laurionite Pb(OH)Cl orth., Pcmn FOTO A
Paralaurionite Pb(OH)Cl mon., C2/m FOTO A

3.DD.025. Penfieldite
Penfieldite Pb2Cl3(OH) hex., P6 FOTO G

3.DD.030. Yeomanite
Yeomanite Pb2O(OH)Cl orth., Pnma IMA 2013-024

3.DD.035. Mendipite
Mendipite Pb3O2Cl2 orth., Pbnm FOTO G

3.DD.040. Damaraite
Damaraite Pb4O3Cl2 orth., Pma2 or other IMA 1989-013

3.DD.045. Blixite
Blixite Pb8O5(OH)2Cl4 mon., C2/c A

3.DD.050. Fiedlerite
Fiedlerite Pb3(OH)FCl4·2H2O tric., P1 FOTO G

Fiedlerite polytypes: Fiedlerite-1A (tric., P1), Fiedlerite-2M (mon., P21/a).

3.DD.055. Manuelarossiite
Manuelarossiite PbCaAlF7 mon., C2/m IMA 2022-097

3.DD.055. Aravaipaite group
Aravaipaite Pb3AlF9·H2O tric., P1 or P1 FOTO IMA 1988-021
Calcioaravaipaite PbCa2Al(F,OH)9 tric., C1 IMA 1994-018

3.DD.060. Yedlinite
Yedlinite Pb6CrCl6(OH,O)8 trig., R3 IMA 1974-001

3.DD.065. Rickturnerite
Rickturnerite Pb7O4[Mg(OH)4](OH)Cl3 orth., Pnma IMA 2010-034

3.DD.070. Barstowite
Barstowite Pb4(CO3)Cl6 mon., P21/m IMA 1989-057

3.DE. Layered Pb-Oxyhalides with (substituted) PbO-layers derived from litharge / massicot
3.DE.005. Rumseyite
Rumseyite [Pb2OF]Cl tetr., I4/mmm IMA 2011-091

3.DE.010. Napoliite
Napoliite [Pb2OF]Cl tetr., P42/mcm IMA 2022-073

3.DE.015. Nadorite group
Nadorite PbSbO2Cl orth., Bmmb FOTO G
Perite PbBiO2Cl orth., Bmmb A
Telluroperite Pb3TeO4Cl2 orth., Bmmb IMA 2009-044

3.DE.020. Thorikosite
Thorikosite Pb3(Sb0.6As0.4)O3.5(OH)Cl2 tetr., I4/mmm FOTO IMA 1984-013

3.DE.025. Ecdemite
Ecdemite Pb6As3+2O7Cl4 tetr. G

3.DE.030. Pinalite
Pinalite Pb3WO5Cl2 orth., Amam IMA 1988-025

3.DE.035. Schwartzembergite
Schwartzembergite Pb5H2IO6Cl3 orth., Fmmm or other G

3.DE.040. Symesite
Symesite Pb10O7(SO4)Cl4 tric., B1 A

3.DE.045. Sundiusite
Sundiusite Pb10O8(SO4)Cl10 mon., C2 or other IMA 1979-044

Sundiusite shows probably some structural relation to the nadorite group.

3.DE.050. Sahlinite group
Sahlinite Pb14O9(AsO4)2Cl4 mon., C2/c G
Kombatite Pb14O9(VO4)2Cl4 mon., C2/c IMA 1985-056

3.DE.055. Asisite group
Asisite Pb7SiO8Cl2 tetr., I4/mmm FOTO IMA 1987-003
Parkinsonite Pb7(Mo,)O8Cl2 tetr., I4/mmm IMA 1991-030
Janchevite Pb7V(O8.50.5)Cl2 tetr., I4/mmm IMA 2017-079

Asisite shows a superstructure, the real formula is probably Pb12(SiO4)O8Cl4.

3.DE.060. Hereroite group
Hereroite [Pb32(O,)21](AsO4)2[(Si,As,V,Mo)O4]2Cl10 mon., C2/c IMA 2011-027
Erikjonssonite [Pb32O21][(V,Si,Mo,As)O4]4Cl9 mon., C2/c IMA 2018-058

3.DE.065. Mereheadite
Mereheadite Pb47O24(OH)13Cl25(BO3)2(CO3) mon., C2/c FOTO IMA 1996-045

3.DE.070. Vladkrivovichevite
Vladkrivovichevite [Pb32O18][Pb4Mn2O]Cl14(BO3)8(H2O)2 orth., Pmmn IMA 2011-020

3.DF. Oxyhalides with Hg
3.DF.005. Eglestonite group
Eglestonite Hg1+6O(OH)Cl3 cub., Ia3d FOTO IMA 1992-046
Kadyrelite Hg1+6O1.5Cl3 cub., Ia3d IMA 1986-042

3.DF.010. Poyarkovite
Poyarkovite Hg1+3OCl mon., C2/c IMA 1980-099

3.DF.015. Hanawaltite
Hanawaltite Hg1+Hg2+O3(Cl,OH)2 orth., Pbma IMA 1994-036

3.DF.020. Terlinguaite
Terlinguaite Hg1+Hg2+OCl mon., C2/c FOTO G

3.DF.025. Aurivilliusite
Aurivilliusite Hg1+Hg2+OI mon., C2/m IMA 2002-022

3.DF.030. Terlinguacreekite
Terlinguacreekite Hg2+3O2Cl2 orth. subcell IMA 2004-018

3.DF.035. Pinchite
Pinchite Hg2+5O4Cl2 orth., Ibam IMA 1973-052

3.DF.040. Mosesite group
Mosesite (Hg2N)2(Cl2,SO4,MoO4,CO3)·2H2O cub., F43m FOTO G
Gianellaite (Hg2N)2(SO4) cub., F43m IMA 1972-020

3.DF.045. Kleinite
Kleinite (Hg2N)2(Cl2,SO4)·nH2O hex., P63/mmc FOTO G

3.DF.050. Tedhadleyite
Tedhadleyite Hg2+Hg1+10O4I2(Cl,Br)2 tric., A1 IMA 2001-035

3.DF.055. Vasilyevite
Vasilyevite (Hg2)2+10O6I3Br2Cl(CO3) tric., P1 IMA 2003-016

3.DF.060. Kelyanite
Kelyanite Hg1+16Hg2+20Sb3O28(Cl,Br)9 mon., C2/m IMA 1981-013

3.DF.065. Comancheite
Comancheite Hg2+55N3-24(NH2,OH)4(Cl,Br)34 orth., Pnnm FOTO IMA 1980-077, Rd 2013-B

3.DF.070. Gaildunningite
Gaildunningite Hg2+3(NHg2+2)18(Cl,I,OH,Br,S)24 orth., Amam IMA 2018-029

3.DF.075. Mikecoxite
Mikecoxite [CHg4]OCl2 mon., P21/n IMA 2021-060

3.DG. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and brucite-like layers
3.DG.005. Koenenite
Koenenite [Mg7Al4(OH)22][Na4Mg2Cl12] trig., 2 cells,
R3m and P3m1

Koenenite structure: alternating layers of brucite-like Mg-Al-hydroxide and halite-related Na-Mg-chloride, forming an incommensurate structure with two sublattices.

3.DH. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and neutral As3+2O3 sheets
3.DH.005. Torrecillasite
Torrecillasite Na(As,Sb)3+4O6Cl orth., Pmcn IMA 2013-112

3.DH.010. Lucabindiite group
Lucabindiite (K,NH4)(As3+2O3)2(Cl,Br) hex., P6/mmm IMA 2011-010
Ermakovite (NH4)(As3+2O3)2Br hex., P6/mmm IMA 2020-054
Mauriziodiniite (NH4)(As3+2O3)2I hex., P6/mmm IMA 2019-036

3.DH.015. Gajardoite
Gajardoite KCa0.5As3+4O6Cl2(H2O)5 hex., P6/mmm IMA 2015-040

3.DH.020. Russoite
Russoite (NH4)As3+2O3Cl(H2O)0.5 hex., P622 IMA 2015-105

3.DH.025. Cuatrocapaite group
Cuatrocapaite-(K) K3(NaMg)(As3+2O3)6Cl6·16H2O trig., R3m IMA 2018-084
Cuatrocapaite-(NH4) (NH4)3(NaMg)(As3+2O3)6Cl6·16H2O trig., R3m IMA 2018-083

3.DJ. Oxyhalides with Rare Earth Elements
3.DJ.005. Håleniusite
Håleniusite-(La) LaOF cub., Fm3m IMA 2003-028
Håleniusite-(Ce) CeOF cub., Fm3m IMA 2021-042

3.DK. Oxyhalides with Actinides
3.DK.005. Cabvinite
Cabvinite Th2F2(OH)·3H2O tetr., I4/m IMA 2016-011

3.DK.010. Uranoclite
Uranoclite (UO2)2(OH)2Cl2·4H2O mon., P21/n IMA 2020-074

3.DK.015. Nollmotzite
Nollmotzite MgU5+(UO2)O4F3·4H2O mon., Cm IMA 2017-100


G = Grandfathered minerals: original description preceded the establishment of the CNMNC in 1959, and generally regarded as a valid species
A or IMA No. = Minerals approved by the CNMNC
Rd = Redefinition of the mineral approved by the CNMNC
Rn = Renamed with approval by the CNMNC
Q = Questionable mineral

Classification principles:
Subdivision of the Halides subclass 3.D: Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides into 3.DA. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Al; 3.DB. Oxyhalides and Hyroxyhalides with Cu (and/or Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn), without Pb; 3.DC. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb and Cu, Ag or Fe; 3.DD. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb (or Sb, Bi, Sn), without Cu; 3.DE. Layered Pb-Oxyhalides with (substituted) PbO-layers derived from litharge / massicot; 3.DF. Oxyhalides with Hg; 3.DG. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and brucite-like layers; 3.DH. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and neutral As3+2O3 sheets; 3.DJ. Oxyhalides with Rare Earth Elements; 3.DK. Oxyhalides with Actinides.
Further classification:
3.DA. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Al : Only one mineral, Zharchikhite. Originally placed in Strunz 9 in 3.AC., but for consistency moved to 3.DA.
3.DB. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Cu (and/or Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn), without Pb : Minerals with Cu in 4-fold planar coordination; with Cu in 5-fold coordination; with Cu in octahedral coordination: ribbons of edge-sharing MeX6 octahedra, trioctahedral layers of edge-sharing MeX6 octahedra, dioctahedral layers of edge-sharing MeX6 octahedra, layers of other networks of MeX6 octahedra, tri-dimensional networks of octahedra; unknown structures.
3.DC. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb and Cu, Ag or Fe : ....
3.DD. Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb (or Sb, Bi, Sn), without Cu : Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with trivalent cations (Sb or Bi); Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with divalent cations (Sn or Pb); Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb + other cations (Al, Mg, Cr, Ca); Oxyhalides and Hydroxyhalides with Pb and additional anions (carbonate).
3.DE. Layered Pb-Oxyhalides with (substituted) PbO-layers derived from litharge / massicot : New. Sorted from simpler to more complex structures (including additional anions).
3.DF. Oxyhalides with Hg : ....
3.DG. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and brucite-like layers : New. Only one mineral (Koenenite), moved here for consistency.
3.DH. Oxyhalides with Alkalies and neutral As3+2O3 sheets : New. Necessary because of the discovery of several new minerals of this type.
3.DJ. Oxyhalides with Rare Earth Elements : New.
3.DK. Oxyhalides with Actinides : New.

To distinguish from classical Strunz numbering, on hierarchical "group" level, a numbering with 3 digits is used, like "3.DA.005. Zharchikhite", instead of 2 digits (like "3.DA.05.") in the Strunz system.

© Thomas Witzke (2023)