At the following pages you find pictures and descriptions of minerals with a type locality in Saxony,
Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia (Germany), including the history and original references. At time 99 minerals
from Saxony, 14 from Thuringia, and 29 from Saxony-Anhalt are described.
Additional statistics on the naming of the minerals and the type localities are presented.
17.01.2021: Freitalite
14.01.2021: Lagalyite
10.11.2018: Update on Kainite
02.05.2018: Update on Braunite
15.04.2018: Update on Hausmannite
Now published as book
Thomas Witzke - Klaus Thalheim - Andreas Massanek: Minerale mit einer Typlokalität in Sachsen
Almost 100 minerals were described for the first time from a locality in Saxony, from aerugite to
zeunerite, among them well-known minerals like stephanite, bismuth and uraninite, or less known
ones like brendelite, omphacite and rietveldite. The first descriptions date back to as early as
the 1500s, and the most recent minerals covered in this book were recognized by the IMA in 2017.
The history of discovery, quotations from historical literature, the development of knowledge
from their first description to the present, but also errors, stories about fakes and unexpected
discoveries find extensive space in the book. In addition, there are numerous photos of the type
specimens that were used for the initial description. Further photos show mostly historical
specimens from museums and their labels, but also current new discoveries from Saxony.
In the book further minerals are described, which could have become Saxon first descriptions, but for
various reasons did not become so or were redefined with other type locality. An extensive chapter is
devoted to minerals that were originally described with Saxon type locality, but were discredited some
time ago, and in some cases only recently. Biographies of personalities after whom a Saxon mineral is
named or who are related to Saxony complete the book.
Thus, the book offers on about 660 pages a complete overview of all aspects of minerals with Saxon t
locality (partly more detailed than on the homepage here).
The book was published by the Bode Verlag
in October 2018.